
  • US Treasury issues twin transparency rules to curb money laundering

    29 August 2024

    Reporting requirements introduced for residential real estate and financial investment advisory sectors

  • Nature Benchmark shows companies lagging on biodiversity disclosures

    16 August 2024

    Assessment from the World Benchmarking Alliance finds poor performance on companies' disclosures of nature-related impacts and dependencies, and highlights lack of ESRS readiness amongst EU companies

  • Swiss parliament considers introducing 'Sustainable Enterprise' legal status for SMEs

    13 August 2024

    Recognition would require GRI- or ESRS- 'like' reporting

  • "We need less input base disclosures on social metrics" Aegon UK head of RI says

    19 July 2024

    Hilkka Komulainen advocates for more evidenced-based disclosures

  • New world order for global tax

    26 March 2024

    Work on the UN convention on international tax is underway, but where does this leave the OECD?

  • Sierra Club sues US SEC over climate disclosure rule

    15 March 2024

    Environmental advocacy group claims watered-down regulation fails to protect investors

  • US SEC adopts watered-down climate disclosure rule

    06 March 2024

    With no Scope 3 requirements and a safe harbour from private liability