
  • Social media reporting rule rebuffed by US Federal court

    12 September 2024

    X successfully repeals disclosure requirements on content moderation

  • Australian climate reporting law clears Parliament

    10 September 2024

    Australian climate reporting law clears Parliament

  • Mandatory reporting amongst new measures for UK water companies

    05 September 2024

    As government seeks to clamp down on pollution through legislation

  • California to require transparency on social compliance audits

    04 September 2024

    Legislation passes both houses, and awaits signature from State Governor Gavin Newsom

  • US Treasury issues twin transparency rules to curb money laundering

    29 August 2024

    Reporting requirements introduced for residential real estate and financial investment advisory sectors

  • California to delay climate disclosure implementation by six months

    19 August 2024

    Under Senator Scott Wiener proposal

  • Swiss parliament considers introducing 'Sustainable Enterprise' legal status for SMEs

    13 August 2024

    Recognition would require GRI- or ESRS- 'like' reporting

  • UN Global Compact Network UK issues guide to the new era of sustainability reporting

    01 August 2024

    As standardised and mandatory requirements for companies to undertake sustainability reporting have arrived, this year 2024 is being thought of as the 'year of implementation'.

  • German government adopts draft CSRD transposition law

    31 July 2024

    No 'gold plating' and no admission of independent assurance providers in draft text