
  • Social media reporting rule rebuffed by US Federal court

    12 September 2024

    X successfully repeals disclosure requirements on content moderation

  • Nike shareholders reject supply chain due diligence proposals

    12 September 2024

    Disclosure resolutions on supply chain management and social responsibility principles voted down at AGM

  • California to require transparency on social compliance audits

    04 September 2024

    Legislation passes both houses, and awaits signature from State Governor Gavin Newsom

  • Swiss parliament considers introducing 'Sustainable Enterprise' legal status for SMEs

    13 August 2024

    Recognition would require GRI- or ESRS- 'like' reporting

  • Nike under investor pressure on supply chain due diligence

    01 August 2024

    Two shareholder resolutions request that the company evaluate how it can better identify and address human rights-related risks through its supply chain

  • "We need less input base disclosures on social metrics" Aegon UK head of RI says

    19 July 2024

    Hilkka Komulainen advocates for more evidenced-based disclosures

  • Social Benchmark shows companies not prepared for CSDDD requirements

    03 July 2024

    World Benchmarking Alliance finds poor performance from large companies on human rights due diligence, shareholder engagement, and grievance mechanisms