
  • ExxonMobil bites back at disclosure resolutions

    17 April 2024

    And rails against shareholder advocacy groups in proxy memo

  • Investors call for greater tax transparency at Brookfield

    22 May 2023

    Shareholders have tabled a proposal for the Canadian asset management company to issue a GRI- aligned tax transparency report

  • Extractive companies facing data challenge for TNFD reporting

    08 March 2023

    Biodiversity leaders at BP and Rio Tinto explain their strategies for capturing and managing natural capital data

  • Momentum building behind making country-by-country tax reporting public

    15 February 2023

    Shareholder resolutions and national regulations are pushing for companies to publicly disclose their taxes and business activities in every country

  • Helping European SMEs with sustainability reporting

    30 November 2022

    Accountancy Europe panellists suggest a range of digital tools and additional guidance to helping SMEs with their sustainability reporting.