
  • Australian climate reporting law clears Parliament

    10 September 2024

    Australian climate reporting law clears Parliament

  • Mandatory reporting amongst new measures for UK water companies

    05 September 2024

    As government seeks to clamp down on pollution through legislation

  • Nature Benchmark shows companies lagging on biodiversity disclosures

    16 August 2024

    Assessment from the World Benchmarking Alliance finds poor performance on companies' disclosures of nature-related impacts and dependencies, and highlights lack of ESRS readiness amongst EU companies

  • Swiss parliament considers introducing 'Sustainable Enterprise' legal status for SMEs

    13 August 2024

    Recognition would require GRI- or ESRS- 'like' reporting

  • UN Global Compact Network UK issues guide to the new era of sustainability reporting

    01 August 2024

    As standardised and mandatory requirements for companies to undertake sustainability reporting have arrived, this year 2024 is being thought of as the 'year of implementation'.

  • Switzerland proposes mandatory ESRS-aligned reporting regime

    27 June 2024

    And hint at a GRI plus ISSB equivalence to ESRS

  • Senate Committee greenlights Australian climate disclosure legislation

    08 May 2024

    Following inquiry into proposed mandatory reporting framework