
  • EFRAG approves XBRL Taxonomy for ESRS

    17 July 2024

    With final document expected to be published next month

  • EFRAG issues draft ESRS Taxonomy

    10 January 2024

    Consultation to run for 60 days from the end of January

  • ISSB agenda consultation reignites 'investors' need' debate

    15 August 2023

    As stakeholders call for ISSB to broaden scope of materiality to include impact

  • Europe waiting for digital reporting holy grail

    17 May 2023

    European Single Access Point will help investors and stakeholders navigate ESRS disclosures but will not be available for the next few years

  • ESAs welcome ESRS but call on Commission for improvements

    27 January 2023

    The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have issued their respective opinion on the ESRS calling on the European Commission to make some amendments,...