MEP Lara Wolters lambasts political flip-flopping as unhelpful for EU Companies
At EFRAG annual conference in Brussels
Corporate Disclosures 2024: Fireside chat - CSDDD in practice
Greta Koch, policy adviser to MEP Axel Voss at the European Parliament, discusses the practicalities of implementing the European due diligence directive for companies, at the Corporate Disclosures annual conference in London this week (27 November)
Pascal Durand and Abrial Gilbert-d'Halluin publish CSRD book
In the name of interoperability: the raging battle over sector-specific sustainability standards
Hear the sound of the rolling of the drums, and sounds of skirmishes
"CSRD is not about extraterritoriality, it's about having a level playing field in the EU," DG Fisma reiterates
Sven Gentner, head of unit at DG Fisma, debunked the notion that CSRD was an exterritorial regulation at an event organised in the European Parliament this week.
EU approves delay to development of sector-specific ESRS
EU Parliament approves landmark due diligence law
As Rapporteur Lara Wolters delivers call to action on implementation and follow-up legislation
EU one step closer to Due Diligence Directive
Parliament Legal Affairs Committee approves renegotiated CSDDD text
CSDDD hanging by a thread
Council delays vote by a week, with member states divided on Due Diligence Law
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