
  • Japanese regulator sets up expert group to advise on ISSB-aligned standards adoption

    23 February 2024

    While Japanese Sustainability Standard Board prepares to publish ED in March

  • ISSB sent back to drawing board on implementation guide

    19 December 2023

    Publication of guide delayed by five months

  • Japan continues to fly the flag for human capital

    31 August 2023

    Japanese respondents to the ISSB agenda consultation call for social disclosures

  • Coordinating guidance crucial for ISSB's global baseline

    25 July 2023

    Technical Implementation Group to oversee a mechanism to centralise jurisdictional educational materials and identify topics that require further guidance

  • Yasunobu Kawanishi fields EFRAG's questions on Japanese sustainability standards

    31 March 2023

    The chair of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan and the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan, Yasunobu Kawanishi, presented to the EFRAG sustainability reporting board (SRB) Japan's approach to sustainability reporting standards before answering questions from the SRB.