
  • Social media reporting rule rebuffed by US Federal court

    12 September 2024

    X successfully repeals disclosure requirements on content moderation

  • Nike shareholders reject supply chain due diligence proposals

    12 September 2024

    Disclosure resolutions on supply chain management and social responsibility principles voted down at AGM

  • Australian climate reporting law clears Parliament

    10 September 2024

    Australian climate reporting law clears Parliament

  • Mandatory reporting amongst new measures for UK water companies

    05 September 2024

    As government seeks to clamp down on pollution through legislation

  • UN committee agrees parameters for global tax framework

    20 August 2024

    In vote hailed as 'historic moment' by civil society organisations

  • Nature Benchmark shows companies lagging on biodiversity disclosures

    16 August 2024

    Assessment from the World Benchmarking Alliance finds poor performance on companies' disclosures of nature-related impacts and dependencies, and highlights lack of ESRS readiness amongst EU companies

  • Shifting the needle on circularity strategy, from packaging to infrastructure

    14 August 2024

    As You Sow's 2024 strategy for improving companies' recycling policies