
  • UN Global Compact Network UK issues guide to the new era of sustainability reporting

    01 August 2024

    As standardised and mandatory requirements for companies to undertake sustainability reporting have arrived, this year 2024 is being thought of as the 'year of implementation'.

  • Nike under investor pressure on supply chain due diligence

    01 August 2024

    Two shareholder resolutions request that the company evaluate how it can better identify and address human rights-related risks through its supply chain

  • German government adopts draft CSRD transposition law

    31 July 2024

    No 'gold plating' and no admission of independent assurance providers in draft text

  • Nick Anderson discusses IASB's proposed illustrative examples on climate

    31 July 2024

    The IASB has today published for consultation eight illustrative examples to illustrate how companies should apply IFRS Accounting Standards when reporting the effects of climate-related and other uncertainties in their financial statements.

  • UK sets out climate strategy reporting requirements for public sector bodies

    30 July 2024

    As phase 3 of the mandatory TCFD-aligned reporting regime for government bodies