
  • Japan leads the charge for increased use of integrated reports by companies

    11 March 2024

    MS&AD risk report finds 1,017 Japanese companies publishing integrated reports in 2023

  • Audit committees tend to own sustainability, IFAC survey finds

    22 February 2024

    While sustainability reporting is increasingly done in conjunction with financial reporting

  • The battle of sustainability assurance: audit firms 'versus' other providers

    22 June 2023

    Accountancy Europe deputy CEO Hilde Blomme and IFAC director for Sustainability, Policy & Regulatory Affairs David Madon discuss the sustainability assurance ecosystem and the role of and implications of regulation for the different stakeholders.

  • SASB and TCFD report fastest growth in usage in the last two years

    28 February 2023

    But GRI reports receive the most assurance from third parties by far

  • Assuring sustainability reporting

    28 February 2023

    Kevin Dancey, CEO of the International Federation of Accountants, and David Madon, director of public policy & regulation, discuss considerations for auditing sustainability reports

  • Touching the void [of sustainability reporting]

    27 September 2022

    The harrowing account of one company's survival in the world of sustainability reporting standards

  • Sustainability, sustainability everywhere, Nor any drop to drink - according to IFAC's report

    22 August 2022

    "A lot going on in sustainability reporting, but not good enough," IFAC's CEO Kevin Dancey says.