
  • Connectivity challenges laid bare in IASB board meeting discussions

    26 April 2024

    Duplication and overlap between financial and sustainability reporting "unavoidable", for now

  • IASB/ISSB joint project: 'Not now but later'

    26 January 2024

    ISSB and IASB members agree that a joint project on integration is not an immediate priority

  • IASB moving cautiously on climate risk project

    21 September 2023

    Will only explore standard-setting on estimates, with illustrative guidance to be used for all other aspects of the project

  • IFRS advisory forum doubtful of IR framework to drive connectivity

    29 March 2023

    IFRS Accounting Standards Advisory Forum stress importance of aligning definitions and processes but have reservations over creating an integrated ISSB/IASB framework