Lifespan of a CEO? Five to eight years, Lee White says
IFAC's new CEO discusses his plans for the federation with Corporate Disclosures
'A running start' on human capital disclosures
ISSB urged to build on SASB and other investor initiatives and standards, as it begins its research project on workforce-related risks and opportunities
Connectivity challenges laid bare in IASB board meeting discussions
Duplication and overlap between financial and sustainability reporting "unavoidable", for now
Home Depot confronts Domini's TNFD-related shareholder proposal labelling it as 'unnecessary'
Domini Impact Investments calls on the world's largest home improvement retailer - with more than 2,300 stores in the US, Canada and Mexico - to use the TNFD's risk management and disclosure framework to fully assess its exposure to nature-related issues
EU Parliament approves landmark due diligence law
As Rapporteur Lara Wolters delivers call to action on implementation and follow-up legislation
Hong Kong Exchange finalises climate reporting requirements
IFRS S2 disclosure requirements to be phased in for listed companies from 2025
Demand growing for UK due diligence law
Investors, corporates and public show support for legislation to require companies to address negative environmental and human rights impacts
US Senators move to strike down SEC climate disclosure rule
Congressional Review Act resolution tabled in the Senate
ExxonMobil bites back at disclosure resolutions
And rails against shareholder advocacy groups in proxy memo